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Nerds In Real Life Science & Tech

How to Explore Your World and Save the Planet with Social Entrepreneur Philippe Cousteau

Grandson of Filmmaking Legend Jacques Cousteau Explains How Empowering Young Science Activists is Good for Business and Critical for SurvivalHow to Explore Your World and Save the Planet with Social Entrepreneur Philippe Cousteau


“What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole,
the keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on.”

  Jacque Cousteau, Explorer, Conservationist & Filmmaker

Growing up before the Internet and 500 channels of digital HD cable existed, there were basically three ways most Nerds (or any kid like me) accessed and explored the mysteries of the natural world beyond their local ecosystem. If my friends and I wanted to see something … READ MORE

Science & Tech

Spring into STEM: How To Fortify Your Nerds with Science and Math in a Garden Classroom


STEM Garden

Dirt covered the table. Dirt covered my son’s hair. Dirt covered everything. While I wanted to be annoyed, I really wasn’t. It was all in the name of learning – and growing food in our new garden.

While trowels and compost may not seem like obvious tools for teaching science, vegetable gardens can be incredible classrooms. That day, my son was learning about the life cycle of plants while we started tomato seeds.

The best part is that gardening provides the potential for kids of all ages to learn. While my three-year-old is just beginning to learn the basics, … READ MORE


Raising Nerd Profile: The STEM Champion for Women & Girls of Color

In at least one way, Trina Fletcher is a lot like her mother. She’s a very busy and driven woman. But her love for STEM and helping others has set her on her own path.

After growing up in rural Arkansas, raised by a single mom who worked full-time, Trina earned her bachelor’s degree in industrial technology from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and a master’s in operations management from the University of Arkansas. She interned with Norfolk State University, Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar, and Kellogg’s. And she also completed the Global Operations Leadership Development program with Johnson & … READ MORE

Product & Book Reviews

Here We Go Again: Time To Plan Your Nerd’s Summer Camp

CuriousGroundhog Day was just last week, but we parents already know what time it is regardless of Punxsutawney Phil’s predicting we’re in for another six weeks of winter. It’s summer camp sign-up season!

For a few weeks now, parents across the country have been organizing their summer calendars and scrambling to get online as soon as that perfect drama or nature camp’s registration goes “live.”

Oh, were you five minutes late registering? Say hello to the waiting list and move on to the next sleep-away or day camp’s website to try, try again.

A Wealth of Options for Summer Camp


Chasing Harry Potter or How To Spur Kids’ Creativity with “What if…”

It was a scene straight out of the books: kids and adults donning cloaks, wielding magic wands, and walking around aimlessly, late-night in a bookstore. Fans have waited years for this moment. This was the day Harry Potter would come to save them yet again from “he who shall not be named.”

This was the scene throughout the wizarding world Saturday night as J.K. Rowling launched her latest, and allegedly final, Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Say what you will about Rowling’s books, there is no denying that Harry Potter is one of the … READ MORE

Creativity Engineering Science & Tech

Nerding: A Beginner’s Guide

In just a few short weeks, there’s been a great response to the launch of Raising Nerd, with lots of “interesting” feedback. One consistent response to our articles has been, “Yeah, that’s great, Clueless Dad, but your kid is already a Nerd (proud dad moment). How do we get our kids started on the path to Nerding?”

Have no fear, we have you covered!

It’s true; NerdBoy has always been a huge fan of science and engineering. His curiosity continues to drive him deeper into the exploration of the abyss of our universe, robotics, and beyond. The good news is … READ MORE